MRT lab & LEAP protocol information
MRT & LEAP (Mediator Release Test & Lifestyle Eating And Performance) is the most effective food sensitivity test and treatment protocol: it comes with individualized Food Reintroduction Schedule and Menu Planner to develop a healthy & delicious eating plan to help your body heals from chronic inflammation related to your food sensitivities thus reducing your sufferings.
Certain foods/additives/chemicals sensitivities can increase inflammation, which can lead to numerous diseases e.g. IBS(inflammatory bowel disease), arthritis, dermatitis, fibromyalgia or chronic pain syndromes, fatigue, brain fogs, GI bloatedness, etc.
MRT Labs options of 85, 130, or 170 different foods/additives/chemicals can be ordered by our clinic. We also do nutritional counseling & coaching to facilitate you through the journey to recovery using LEAP protocol (i.e. LEAP ImmunoCalm Diet Program) using Individualized Food Reintroduction Schedule and Menu Planner
To learn more about how Food sensitivities causes chronic inflammation in our body:
MRT & LEAP Tour will explain everything in an easy format why this is the best test & protocol out there
Examples of Foods that typically fights inflammation are listed here, but your body may be sensitive to it and this MRT lab that I can order for you will help you decipher that!